Crop News

A Perfect Season For Northwest Potatoes


United States

Green Pea harvest completed. Overall, early season pea yields came in under budget and this could reflect a 20% drop in pack for some processors. The situation is more severe for those whose fields are not irrigated and we are hearing numbers of a 50% to 60% reduction in yield due to lack of rain. There are also some lower grade peas out on the market.

Sweet Corn season expected to wind down middle to end October. The first part of the season was amazing with excellent yields. The middle of the season was still very good; however, the weather has cooled off and progress towards the end of season is moving slower with the corn harvest to finish a bit later than usual. Processors will still enjoy an above budget crop with excellent quality. A few processors will have extra corn to sell, and it looks like the market is softening just a bit depending on who you speak with.

Diced Carrot processing in the Pacific Northwest will commence this month and movement is slower than usual due to the cooler weather. Carrots in the field have not bulked up enough so progress is slow.

Overall, Industry experts advise that seed is short and land cost is high (land cost has doubled over the last 10 years!). Competition from higher cost crops, with labor costs increasing as well as labor being hard to find, are making it more and more difficult for processors to manage their costs.

Processing Potato supplies will be abundant, and fryers and dehydrators will have ample supply to run at capacity in 2023/24.

The Pacific Northwest, including Colombia Basin and Idaho, has had nearly perfect conditions for growing potatoes. Both yields and quality have been excellent.

 With Idaho’s increased acreage of nearly 35,000 additional acres and excellent yields there will be plenty of open market potatoes.

In the Colombia Basin a cool spring resulted in lower yields for early varieties, however later variety yields have been above average. Storage potato harvest has been underway and potato sizes and yields have been excellent!

The conditions in Maine however have been a bit disappointing. Weather has been hot, humid, and very wet. With excessive rains, harvesting has become difficult and yields and quality are off. Growers are concerned about storage potatoes and disease issues due to the wet weather.

French fries and other processed potato products are in high demand and global supplies have been low. Raw material cost is high, labor is expensive and difficult to find, and input costs are high which has brought us to another year of higher potato prices. Retail sales of potato products increased by about 17 billion over the last year with the largest volume of that going to frozen potatoes.


Pea harvest finished up in the Midwest just under budget.

Sweet corn is going well and should come in at or a bit above budget this season.

Sugar snap peas are about 80% complete. There has been some heat and lack of rain causing crops to mature quickly resulting in some bypass, however overall conditions have been good, and the sugar snap pea crop is expected to come in on budget with excellent quality.

Lima Bean harvest is ongoing with good yields and quality to date.

Dry conditions causing some yield loss on carrot harvest.

US fruit stocks in general are still high and creating a buyer’s market. Some price reductions helped lower supplies, but product availability remains high. The largest stock is frozen blueberries, with the largest share being cultivated blueberries.


Strawberry volumes have been lower this year coming out of California due to heavy rains, resulting in small size fruit.


Excessive rain in the Eastern Provinces of Canada has hindered the potato crop there. Too much moisture has increased disease, caused lower yields and in some areas, harvesting was not possible as fields were too flooded.

Canada is the third largest exporter of frozen fries worldwide and their exports to Mexico and Japan have been increasing. As well, one of Canada’s processing factories is doubling their capacity.

Wild Blueberry production in Quebec area is now completed. Rain before harvest brought on good fruit development resulting in good yields and quality.

Cranberry harvest will begin this month. Cranberries require cooler weather to ripen and with the heat in September it is anticipated that the crop will suffer reduced yields.


Broccoli and Cauliflower peak season should be starting up this month.

We have seen a 10% to 20% increase in pricing coming out of Mexico on both broccoli and cauliflower. Reasons for the dramatic increase include higher ingredient and labor costs and more recently the Mexican peso’s strength against the dollar.

Growers of avocados are expecting a 20% to 30% lower volume due to Tropical Storm Hilary after wind brought down fruit from the trees.


Mango yields and quality will be disappointing this season. Due to El Nino bringing warmer temperatures and rain, the season which runs September to late November will be dismal. Predications are for a 50% or more drop in mango production in Ecuador.


 The agricultural year in Peru has been challenging due to Cyclone Yaku, an unusual low-pressure system that traveled through Peru and Ecuador in early March.

The blueberry harvest began slower than normal with lower volumes and expectations are that the season will come up with much lower yields than expected, however still higher than last season.

Mango season in Peru will be impacted by weather and is expected to be delayed until late November/December. Peru’s largest export partner for mango is Europe.

Avocado production is lower than expected due to higher winter temperatures resulting in smaller fruit.

Asparagus: Warmer winter temperatures has allowed for higher production; however, some fields have not properly completed their winter dormancy cycle so this could affect future production. Peak asparagus season will commence October through December.


Sweet corn harvesting reached its peak with enough raw material supply for the canned industry, although canners are still trying to catch up on delayed shipments due to the flooding and lack of supply last season. Growers received higher prices for raw material: the highest in the last 6 years based on demand and having the possibility to grow for the more profitable animal feed industry.

Ongoing drought has affected the Thai pineapple season with the lowest output in Thai’s canning history. Crop estimates for canned Thai pineapple are at record lows. The El Nino effect has reduced yields with small fruit size. Summer crop is finished, and winter crop will be commencing this month in the North.


Hungarian sweet corn season underway and the crop is expected to be good. Raw material prices are up 33% from last year.

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) have reported an initial estimate on potato acreage increase by 2 – 3% . However, a difficult growing season and a very large demand for potato products could raise prices even more.

Rain delayed potato plantings in all Western European countries this past spring. Weather challenges including a dry spell resulted in uneven yields. Seed, soil, and climate conditions have all had an impact on the emergence and development of the potato crop.

Estimates for the 2023 potato harvest are that yields are expected to fall short of 2022 levels in Germany, the Netherlands and Poland. Belgium is estimating yields to increase by about 4%, while Frances yields to be same as 2022 season. Raw material supplies will likely remain tight for processing factories.

Higher production costs for potato growers and environmental constraints make growing potatoes more risky, difficult, and expensive. However, demand for raw material is increasing due to new processed potato factories coming on board as well as some existing factories expanding capacity.

Seed Potato: Europe delivers seed potato worldwide. Due to cold weather and rain, planting of seed potato was delayed by over a month in some areas having an impact on harvest dates and yield. Based on information from the NEPG, acreage on seed potato was reduced by 5000 ha in the Netherlands and France. It was also down in other areas. Seed supplies are expected to be limited this season.


Reported by S&P Global, Japan increased imports of frozen sweet corn from China by 54% while Japan decreased its imports from the U.S., its largest supplier, by 36%. Thailand also enjoyed an increase into the Japanese market on frozen sweet corn by about 14% compared to last season.


China’s exports of canned corn are up over this past year with the largest volume recorded to date at approximately 74,000 m/t. With a strong demand in Europe and Hungary’s lower production volumes last season, China was able to increase their exports to Europe.

Garlic prices plateaued in May and have been holding steady. The garlic crop is down about 12% – 15%, which includes an acreage reduction of about 10%. New Season garlic encountered heavy rain which resulted in some of the crop becoming damp and moldy causing lower yields and a decrease in bulb diameter. The market seems to be calming down with stable prices for a few months now.

China now holds the mantel for the largest producer of cultivated blueberries which are mostly the smaller rabbit eye type. Production numbers are reported at about 270,000 m/t compared to U.S. at 248,000 m/t.

Water chestnut season will commence in December, with optimal quality being processed January onward. At this moment prices are expected to remain steady.


















































S&P Globalによると、日本では、中国からの冷凍スイートコーンの輸入が54%増となった一方、最大の供給国である米国からの輸入は36%減となりました。タイも日本への冷凍スイートコーンの輸出を増やしていて、昨シーズンと比べて約14%増となっています。






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