There are more than 3,000 state, local and tribal agencies that have primary responsibility to regulate the retail food and food service industries in the United States.
They are responsible for the inspection and oversight of over one million food establishments that include restaurants and grocery stores, as well as vending machines, cafeteria and other outlets in health-care facilities, schools, and correctional facilities.
The FDA promotes the application of science-based food-safety principles in retail and foodservice settings to minimize the incidence of foodborne illness. It assists regulatory agencies and the industries they regulate providing a model FOOD CODE, a scientifically based guidance, training, program evaluation and technical assistance.
FDA announced in March 2024, that it is partnering with the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) to present a Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards Self-Assessment and Verification Audit (SAVA) workshop June 7-9, 2024, in Grand Rapids MI prior to the 128th AFDO Annual Educational Conference.
There are considerable resources available on the FDA website at Some of the most popular searches are the following:
- Listing of Retail Food Protection Information and Resources
- Risk Assessment: Listeria monocytogenes in Retail Delicatessens
- Retail Food Risk Factor Studies
- Retail Food Protection Industry Educational Materials – Posters
- Retail Food Protection Industry Educational Materials – Videos
- Employee Health and Personal Hygiene Handbook
Contact FDA
Outreach and Information Center
10AM – 4PM EST
Closed Thurs 12:30PM – 1:30OM EST
Inquiries: Submit Your Question External Link Disclaimer
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Food and Drug Administration
5001 Campus Drive
College Park, MD 20740
米国の食品医薬品局(FDA)は、科学に基づいた食品安全性の原則を運用して食中毒の発生を最小限に抑えるよう、小売店やフードサービスに奨励しています。 また、さまざまな監督当局とその監督下にある業界を支援するため、ベストプラクティスの見本となる食品規定、および科学的なガイダンス、研修、プログラム評価、技術的な支援を提供しています。
FDAは2024年3月、行政機関の食品・医薬品担当者が加盟する食品・医薬品公務員協会(AFDO:Association of Food and Drug Officials)と協力して、「小売食品規制プログラムの基準自己評価および確認監査(Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards Self-Assessment and Verification Audit)」ワークショップを開催すると発表しました。AFDOの第128回年次教育会議に先がけて、2024年6月7日~9日にミシガン州グランドラピッズで開かれます。
- Listing of Retail Food Protection Information and Resources(小売食品の保護に関する情報・リソース一覧)
- Risk Assessment: Listeria monocytogenes in Retail Delicatessens(リスク評価:小売店デリカのリステリア菌)
- Retail Food Risk Factor Studies(小売食品のリスク要因調査)
- Retail Food Protection Industry Educational Materials – Posters(小売食品保護の業界向け教育資料 ― ポスター)
- Retail Food Protection Industry Educational Materials – Videos(小売食品保護の業界向け教育資料 ― 動画)
- Employee Health and Personal Hygiene Handbook(従業員健康・衛生ハンドブック)
Contact FDA
Outreach and Information Center
10AM – 4PM EST
Closed Thurs 12:30PM – 1:30OM EST
Inquiries: Submit Your Question External Link Disclaimer
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Food and Drug Administration
5001 Campus Drive
College Park, MD 20740