United States
Acres for this year’s Northwest crops are now secured.
Approximately half of the pea crop has been planted with some early fields beginning to emerge. Harvest expected June. Plantings for sweet corn have already begun in some areas.
Raw material prices this season were lower than last, however input costs such as equipment and labor are still up so we expect finished product cost to remain stable: similar to last season prices or possibly a bit lower. There were also some slight reductions in corn acres based on carry over inventory.
Raw material potato prices will be down. As well acreage volume has been reduced by about 12% to combat over stock from 2023 season. Fertilizer and fuel are a bit lower than last season, however other input expenses continue to rise. Land rent, high interest rates and equipment costs will play a role in raw material prices as well as grower decisions on how much to plant.
Carryover of 2023 storage potatoes has cause reductions in acreage for early variety potatoes this coming season. With sunshine and fairly warm temperatures in the Colombia Basin, growers have begun to plant their early variety potato crop and we anticipate a 25% reduction in acreage.
To date 2023 raw material potato stocks in storage are up 12.4 % compared to last year at this time, with the majority of the stocks in Idaho. US frozen potato product exports are down by double digits while the percentage of European potato imports to the U.S. continue to rise.
California’s carrot crop suffered setbacks due to Tropical storm Hilary during August and September. Plantings were disrupted at that time and processors are suffering loss of yield along with gaps in harvest. Conditions have improved and carrot shipments are getting back to normal.
In general, it was a difficult year for California. California is the United States number 1 producer for crops such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, lettuce, onions, carrots, peppers and tomatoes. Overall, the state produces half of the U.S. vegetable production. The heavy rain provided many challenges this past year and farmers suffered lost yields, reduced yields, and quality issues due to flooded fields.
The United States vegetable crop was up 6% compared to 2022 season, with sweet corn, onions, and tomatoes leading in the growth.
Sweet corn production in 2023 totaled approximately 62.4 million cwt which is up about 3% from last season. Planted area was actually down in 2023, however the excellent yields produced resulted in a higher than anticipated sweet corn crop. Low temperatures and rain slowed down crop development in springtime, however, excellent summer conditions, with high heat and sun, moved the crop along with higher yields and good quality.
Onion production increased by about 4% compared to 2022 levels. Increased acreage and higher yields contributed to this increase. Rain helped in California after the previous season’s drought conditions.
US fruit stocks in general are still high and creating a buyer’s market. Some price reductions helped lower supplies, but product availability remains high. The largest stock is frozen blueberries, with the largest share being cultivated blueberries. As of end September 16% more blueberries remained in stock compared to the same time frame last year.
Excessive rain in the Eastern Provinces of Canada hindered the potato crop there. Too much moisture increased disease, caused lower yields and in some areas, harvesting was not possible as fields were too flooded.
Canada is the third largest exporter of frozen fries worldwide and their exports to Mexico and Japan have been increasing. As well, one of Canada’s processing factories is doubling their capacity.
Overall Canada will have enough raw material to carry through the season, although there may be some shortages of fry quality potatoes in Canada’s Atlantic Provinces. Processing potato supplies are up by 18% for the 2023 season.
Broccoli and Cauliflower peak season now underway. Good yields and quality are being reported and processors are running at full capacity.
Pepper season in Mexico in full swing, including Poblano and Anaheim peppers. To date volumes look promising, however fresh market is paying premium prices. Season should run through May.
Spinach season now ongoing through end of April.
Mango season ongoing and will go through end April/May. The season is expected to be a good one.
Mexico’s strawberry season commenced February and is expected to run through end June. In general, the season was delayed by about 30 days due to rain and colder than usual temperatures. Current estimates of the total strawberry acreage is approximately 58,167 acres, a 5% increase compared to the 2022/23 season. While competition reigns supreme from Egypt and Morocco, Mexico expects continued growth in the range of 12% to 15%.
Green and Yellow Zucchini currently under harvest through June.
Mango yields and quality are disappointing this season. Due to El Nino bringing warmer temperatures and rain, predications are for a 50% or more drop in mango production in Ecuador.
The agricultural year in Peru has been challenging due to Cyclone Yaku, an unusual low-pressure system that traveled through Peru and Ecuador in early March.
As well Peru is experiencing the El Nino phenomenon which is bringing warmer than usual temperatures, rain and flooding.
Peru’s blueberry season came in 37% lower than last season with most of the fruit going into processing at Grade B levels. A Grade fruit went into fresh market with good prices.
Mango season in Peru will be impacted by El Nino which has delayed fruit blossoming, and the crop is expected to be irregular and intermittent. Due to demand of fresh market and limited availability we expect I.Q.F. prices to be high. A 50% drop in yields for Kent variety is expected. Peru’s largest export partner for mango is Europe. Price estimates about 30% higher than last season.
Avocado production is lower than expected due to higher winter temperatures resulting in smaller fruit.
Asparagus: Warmer winter temperatures has allowed for higher production; however, some fields have not properly completed their winter dormancy cycle so this could affect future production.
Organic Asparagus harvest will begin slowly in April and ramp up in May/June and run through December.
The October and November heavy rains have and will affect Chile’s fruit crops including strawberries, blueberries, and cherries. Blueberries for processing have been arriving to factories at a slow pace. Fresh buyers have lowered their quality expectations due to limited supply which has resulted in even lower volumes for processors.
Chile is the third largest processor of cultivated blueberries after China and the U.S.
Raspberry season underway with the crop outlook normal. Raspberry volumes have been declining in Chile, however new plantings should help with increased production soon. Prices have increased.
Asparagus season in Chile is completed. Torrential rains during October/November along with lower-than-average temperatures have reduced yields. Raw material prices later in the season were about 25% higher so this, coupled with lower yields, means we expect to see low volume and higher prices coming out of Chile for frozen asparagus.
Costa Rica
Higher temperatures have slowed down pineapple development and yields are expected to be down. Fresh market demand and lower yields have caused an increase in Costa Rican frozen pineapple prices.
Sweet corn harvesting reached its peak with enough raw material supply for the canned industry, although canners are still trying to catch up on delayed shipments due to the flooding and lack of supply last season. Growers received higher prices for raw material: the highest in the last 6 years based on demand and having the possibility to grow for the more profitable animal feed industry.
Ongoing lack of rain and dry weather has affected the Thai pineapple season with low output. Crop estimates for canned Thai pineapple are at record lows. The El Nino effect has reduced yields with small fruit size. Summer crop is finished, and winter crop has now commenced. Final numbers will support that this past year the harvest is down by about 41% which some consider the lowest volume produced in the last 15 years. Projections for 2024 seem to be similar due to the overall demand slowdown globally of canned pineapple.
Strawberry season got off to a slow start in February but harvest has now picked up and supplies are currently good. Prices have stabilized.
Egypt has become the largest grower and producer of strawberries worldwide.
Strawberry peak harvest is starting. Less acreage was planted this year and this along with fresh market demand has driven prices up.
Pea production in Europe is expected to be reduced due to low demand and competition from China. Raw material prices in Europe for peas is 20% lower than last season and growers are not interested in growing this crop.
The drought in Spain has led to a 50% cut in water allocation for irrigation. This is causing uncertainty in Spain’s Huelva’s berry sector. In the meantime, Europe has been importing more strawberries from Egypt due to the limited Spanish supply.
Reported by S&P Global, Japan increased imports of frozen sweet corn from China by 54% while Japan decreased its imports from the U.S., its largest supplier, by 36%. Thailand also enjoyed an increase into the Japanese market on frozen sweet corn by about 14% compared to last season.
Japan imported 139 million pounds of French Fries from North America during fourth quarter. This was 11 million lbs. less compared to 2022 and the smallest volume since 2015.
Frozen vegetable exports have risen by 45% over the past year. Frozen sweet corn has topped the list, with the majority of volume going to the U.A.E followed by Russia, the U.S. and Europe.
China’s exports of canned corn are up over this past year with the largest volume recorded to date at approximately 74,000 m/t. With a strong demand in Europe and Hungary’s lower production volumes last season, China was able to increase their exports to Europe.
China’s exports into Europe of frozen and canned peas has risen by 8% while European exports of these items has declined.
Water chestnut season has commenced with optimal quality now being processed. At this moment prices are expected to remain steady.
Sugar snap season expected to commence in China in late April/May. Temperatures have been very cold with snow still on the ground. This has resulted in stopping the growth of the plants. Prices are expected to be announced later this month and the crop will be delayed.
S&P Globalによると、日本では、中国からの冷凍スイートコーンの輸入が54%増となった一方、最大の供給国である米国からの輸入は36%減となりました。タイも日本への冷凍スイートコーンの輸出を増やしていて、昨シーズンと比べて約14%増となっています。