Food Safety

Unblanched IQF Vegetables – Can Microbiology be Controlled?


It has been recognized since the 1930’s that water and/or steam blanching vegetables is necessary to inactivate enzymes prior to freezing. Without inactivating enzymes such as lipoxygenase, products can oxidize, develop off-flavors, and experience color-degradation during frozen storage. In more recent years, blanching for food safety purposes has become relevant, especially as it relates to …


Sweet Potato In, Sweet Corn Out!


Figures released last month by the U.S.D.A. Census of Agriculture show that trends behind America’s farms and diets are changing.   Leafy Greens, including kale, along with sweet potatoes, once thought to be fads are now changing America’s terrain. Sweet potato acreage increased almost 38% from 2012 to 2017.   White potatoes along with white flour and …