Crop News

Bountiful Sweet Corn Season

Noon International Sweet Corn Harvest Begins

United States

Green Pea harvest is completed.   Overall, early season pea yields came in under budget and this could reflect a 20% drop in pack for some processors.  The situation is more severe for those whose fields are not irrigated and we are hearing numbers of a 50% to 60% reduction in yield due to lack of rain.   There are also some lower grade peas out on the market.

Sweet Corn harvest has been going very well with abundant yields this season.  Some processors will have extra corn to sell, and it looks like the market is softening just a bit depending on which processor you speak with.   The weather was warm and perfect for corn growing; however, the next week will be cloudy with lower temperatures which may or may not affect corn yields going forward.

Overall, Industry experts advise that seed is short and land cost is high (land cost has doubled over the last 10 years!).  Competition from higher cost crops, with labor costs increasing as well as labor being hard to find, are making it more and more difficult for processors to manage their costs.

With the cooler nighttime temperatures the potato crop is moving along nicely with good quality and yields.  

Idaho’s growing conditions have been nearly perfect, and the outlook is for a very good potato season in Idaho.   Growers in Idaho planted 35,000 more acres and this together with bountiful yields will produce a plentiful volume of open market potatoes for processors, unlike last season.

French fries and other processed potato products are in high demand and global supplies have been low. Raw material cost is high, labor is expensive and difficult to find, and input costs are high which has brought us to another year of higher potato prices.  Retail sales of potato products increased by about 17 billion over the last year with the largest volume of that going to frozen potatoes.

With the last few years of Cherry harvest being very difficult; this year proved to be a much better season.   However, with some weather disruptions the Northwest season and California season collided bringing too much cherry volume to the market at once and reducing prices. 

Northwest cultivated blueberry season is going well.   The previous two years were challenging ones with too much heat and then rain, however this current season, which is in production, has been a good one.  Yields are average and quality good.   Market price is still on the low side but seems to be inching up.

US fruit stocks in general are still high and creating a buyer’s market.  Some price reductions helped lower supplies, but product availability remains high.

Based on USDA cold storage reports, inventories of strawberries climbed up by 20% from May to June, while blackberries were up by 10%.   However, price reductions at the beginning of the year have helped with raspberry inventories and reports from USDA show stock levels 23% lower from last year at this time, although availability remains robust.

With cold storage cost rising and limited storage space, it is still a buyer’s market with sellers anxious to move product. 

Midwest U.S.A

Pea season is completed.   Yields are down due to uneven emergence due to limited rain and the heat.

Sweet corn is underway.  The season started off very dry, but recent rains have improved soil moisture.  The overall sweet corn crop in the Midwest is reported as doing well with average to above yields and very good quality.

The green bean and beet crop showed signs of stress early on, due to the lack of rain and high heat, however things have turned around and it has been a decent season.


The weather was good during planting and most potato growing regions in Canada are reporting that the crops are doing okay.   There has been plenty of rain in some areas that could affect crops, but overall growers are optimistic.

Raw product potato supplies from 2022 have been sufficient to keep factories running and the outlook for 2023 crop will also produce enough potatoes to carry processors through to 2024 potato season.

Canada is the third largest exporter of frozen fries worldwide and their exports to Mexico and Japan have been increasing.   As well, one of Canada’s processing factories is doubling their capacity.

Organic Blueberry harvest ended earlier than usual due to the heat and dry weather.  Organic crop volumes are down due to poor pollination and lost plants resulting from the flooding back in 2021.  


While volumes of broccoli and cauliflower coming into the factories have been good, we are now in the rainy season and expect volumes to drop.   Peak production will start up again in October.

We have seen a 10% to 20% increase in pricing coming out of Mexico on both broccoli and cauliflower. Reasons for the dramatic increase include higher ingredient and labor costs and more recently the Mexican peso’s strength against the dollar.

Growers of avocados are expecting a 20% to 30% lower volume due to Tropical Storm Hilary after wind brought down fruit from the trees. 

In the coming months asparagus will be in tight supply due to ongoing warmer temperatures.   Hilary also damaged infrastructure resulting in unpassable roads and power outages.  Power outages in packing houses will slow down deliveries of fresh asparagus for a while.

Costa Rica

Pineapple fruit has been low coming out of Costa Rica, however improved volumes are expected this month.


Passion Fruit supply is low coming out of Ecuador this season.  Heavy rains have affected flowering. Some expect a reduction of half of the supply.


The agricultural year in Peru has been challenging due to Cyclone Yaku, an unusual low-pressure system that traveled through Peru and Ecuador in early March.  

The blueberry harvest began slower than normal with lower volumes and expectations are that the season will come up with much lower yields than expected, however still higher than last season.

Mango’s risk low flowering which may reduce production.  Harvest should commence in November.

Avocado production is lower than expected due to higher winter temperatures resulting in smaller fruit.

Asparagus:  Warmer winter temperatures has allowed for higher production; however, some fields have not properly completed their winter dormancy cycle so this could affect future production.   Peak asparagus season will commence October through December.


Sweet corn harvesting reached its peak with enough raw material supply for the canned industry, although canners are still trying to catch up on delayed shipments due to the flooding and lack of supply last season.   Growers received higher prices for raw material: the highest in the last 6 years based on demand and having the possibility to grow for the more profitable animal feed industry.

Ongoing drought has affected the Thai pineapple season with the lowest output in Thai’s canning history.   Crop estimates for canned Thai pineapple are at record lows.   The El Nino effect has reduced yields with small fruit size.   Summer crop is finished, and winter crop will be commencing this month in the North.


Hungarian sweet corn season is now underway and the crop is expected to be good.  Raw material prices are up 33% from last year.


Higher than usual temperatures are taking a toll on Spain’s summer broccoli harvest in the highlands.   Yields are expected to fall about 50%.

There is also a concern regarding planting of broccoli and cauliflower for the winter harvest in the major growing area for fresh (Campo de Cartagena and Guadalentin Valley).  There may not be enough water and if rain is limited there may be major restrictions.

The North-western European Potato Growers (NEPG) have reported an initial estimate on potato acreage increase by 2 – 3% .   However, a difficult growing season and a very large demand for potato products could raise prices even more.

Rain delayed plantings in all Western European countries this past spring.  Seed, soil, and climate conditions have all had an impact on the emergence and development of the crop.

Estimates for the 2023 potato harvest are that yields are expected to fall short of 2022 levels in Germany, the Netherlands and Poland.   Belgium is estimating yields to increase by about 4%, while Frances yields to be same as 2022 season.  Raw material supplies will likely remain tight for processing factories.

Higher production costs for potato growers and environmental constraints make growing potatoes more risky, difficult, and expensive.   However, demand for raw material is increasing due to new processed potato factories coming on board as well as some existing factories expanding capacity.


Sour cherry season was disappointing.   Due to rain and then heat the season produced fewer cherries and lower quality sending Turkey elsewhere to fill their domestic market.


China’s exports of canned corn are up over this past year with the largest volume recorded to date at approximately 74,000 m/t.    With a strong demand in Europe and Hungary’s lower production volumes last season, China was able to increase their exports to Europe. 

Garlic prices plateaued in May and have been holding steady.  The garlic crop is down about 12% – 15%, which includes an acreage reduction of about 10%.  New Season garlic encountered heavy rain which resulted in some of the crop becoming damp and moldy causing lower yields and a decrease in bulb diameter.   The market seems to be calming down with stable prices for a few months now.

China now holds the mantel for the largest producer of cultivated blueberries which are mostly the smaller rabbit eye type.   Production numbers are reported at about 270,000 m/t compared to U.S. at 248,000 m/t.

The majority of the corn season in Northern China is completed.  Early drought conditions and then heavy rain affected the corn and pea yields.  

Southern China had many typhoons /heavy rain which affected many crops there, including edamame, green beans, cauliflower and broccoli.  

Overall crop conditions were not great, and this coupled with the RMB’s declining value plus recent rises in ocean rates have increased the prices of most items coming out of China.



























































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