The frozen food industry continues to grow as consumers want greater variety along with increased demand for convenience foods and improvements in frozen food quality. A significant factor in the success of this industry is packaging and thus knowing the preferences of consumers is important. Today, we’ll look at what shoppers like and dislike about today’s packaging design.
What Shoppers Like About Frozen Food Packaging:
- What’s Inside? The first thing consumers like is clear product visibility. Transparent packaging or partially transparent packaging allows consumers to see what’s inside and knowing what they are buying gives them a sense of trust allowing them to make informed decisions.
- Portion Control: Frozen food buyers like packaging that facilitates portion and pre-portioned control and easy-to-open packs with resealable options are preferred.
- Environmentally Friendly: More and more shoppers are environmentally conscious and appreciate packaging made from sustainable materials. Recyclable or biodegradable packaging gets top marks from eco-friendly shoppers today.
- Make it Attractive: The more eye-catching and colorful the better with easy-to-read labels that list the ingredients, nutritional information, use-by date, and cooking instructions.
Major Complaints About Frozen Food Packaging:
- Difficult to Open: This is certainly the biggest complaint today. Shoppers dislike packaging that is difficult to open or requires tools such as scissors. Packages that require extra effort can be frustrating and may lead to accidental spills or damage to the product. Tear notches and pull tabs along with resealable options are highly favored, especially by the elderly. Enhancing the overall consumer experience should always be top priority.
- Misleading Information: It is not only annoying to be unable to decipher information about the product but also confusing as well. Clear and accurate information builds trust with your customer. Buyers don’t like to have to go on a “seek and find” mission to locate the “best before” date and don’t have time to do this anyway. A good example of misleading information is the term “low fat” which usually means lower in calories making it appear a healthier product than it may be.
- Too Much Packaging: This is not found as often in frozen food packaging as in other grocery products, but worth mentioning. Consumers are becoming more and more environmentally aware and dislike excessive or unnecessary packaging materials. Keep it easy and keep it simple.
You’re probably a lot like me and have at some point, experienced frustration and exasperation when trying to open a bag or carton of frozen food. “Why can’t they just add a feature like Ziplock that’s easy to use and resealable as well?”, we ask. Thankfully, most frozen food producers today have addressed such packaging issues resulting in increased sales, profits, and consumer loyalty. If you want your customer to enjoy your frozen products and everything you have done to make them tasteful and of high quality, be sure your packaging is just as consumer friendly!
Lily Noon
- The 5 Most Annoying Things About Food Packaging by Aaron Hutcherson, April 28, 2023, The Washington Post,
- Food Ingredients & Packaging, FDA,
- 中身が分かる:良いパッケージングの特徴として消費者が第一に挙げるのは、製品の中身が明らかに分かることです。全体または一部分が透明なパッケージングであれば、中が見えて何を買っているかが分かるため、信頼感が生まれ、きちんと知ったうえで購入の決定を下すことができます。
- 分量を調整しやすい:冷凍食品を買う人は、あらかじめ分量が決められているか、食べたい分だけ取り出しやすいパッケージ、また簡単に開けられて、チャックなどで再封できるパッケージを好んでいます。
- 環境にやさしい:環境意識が高く、サステナブルな材料で作られたパッケージに価値を置く消費者が増えています。リサイクル可能、または生物分解可能なパッケージが、環境への影響を気にする今日の消費者に最も好まれています。
- 見た目に魅力的:カラフルで見た目に美しく、原材料や栄養成分、賞味期限、調理方法などの表示ラベルが読みやすいほど、消費者に歓迎されます。
- 開けにくい:これは間違いなく、現時点で最大の不満点です。開けにくいパッケージ、またはハサミなどを使わなければ開けられないパッケージは嫌われます。手間のかかるパッケージは煩わしいだけでなく、中身をこぼしてしまったり、製品にダメージを与えてしまったりする可能性もあります。切り口や開け口があり、かつ再封可能であることが、特に年配の世代に喜ばれています。消費者の体験を全体として高めることを、常に最優先すべきです。
- 誤解を招く情報:製品についての情報を解読できなければ、不愉快なだけでなく、混乱を生じる可能性があります。明確で正確な情報は、消費者に信頼感を植え付けます。パッケージを矯めつ眇めつ眺めなければ賞味期限を見つけられないような製品は好まれませんし、消費者にはそんな時間はありません。誤解を招く情報の好例としては、「低脂肪」という言葉が挙げられます。通常はカロリー控えめを意味し、実際以上にヘルシーな製品であるかのように見せている可能性があります。
- 過剰包装:他の食品に比べて冷凍食品ではあまり見かけませんが、言及しておく価値があります。消費者の環境意識が高まっているため、過剰包装や不必要な梱包資材の使用は嫌われます。簡単でシンプルにしておくことです。
Lily Noon
- The 5 Most Annoying Things About Food Packaging(食品パッケージングに関する5大不満点)、著:Aaron Hutcherson、2023年4月28日、The Washington Post、
- Food Ingredients & Packaging(食品の原材料とパッケージング)、FDA、