
Lab Grown Chicken Gets Final USDA Go-Ahead


On June 22, 2023, the USDA approved lab-grown chicken for human consumption for the first time. 

UPSIDE Foods and GOOD Meat (a subsidiary of food tech company Eat Just, Inc.) were given the go-ahead to sell products that have been cultivated from real animal cells.  Good Meat launched in Singapore in 2020, when Singapore became the first country to approve the sale of cell-cultivated meat and now the USA has become the second country to do so.

This approval means the USDA considers these products safe to eat and the announcement followed a “no questions” letter from the FDA earlier this year.  The FDA agreed that Good Meat’s chicken was safe to eat in March, and Upside received the same acknowledgement in November 2022. The final sign-off this week was the last hurdle for these two companies and they can now sell their lab-grown chicken in the USA.

Upside Foods has 140 employees and has acquired over $600 million in funding from people like Bill Gates, and meat companies Tyson and Cargill.

Just What is Cultured Chicken?

According to Amy Chen, the COO of Upside Foods: So, essentially this is meat that you have always known but made in a new way…We start with a sample of cells, we feed them nutrients, vitamins, etc., in what we call a cultivator.  And after anywhere from one to three weeks, they produce meat that we can then harvest and formulate into any delicious product that you love.”

Is it Expensive?  Yes of course. Initially it will not be sold in grocery stores but only in two select premium restaurants – one in San Francisco and one in Washington, DC.  That’s because UPSIDE now only produces 400,000 pounds per year currently whereas Tyson Foods, America’s biggest poultry manufacturer produces 200 million pounds per week.  Naturally Upside’s plan is to expand to a commercial plant where millions of pounds can be produced – but that is several years away.

And the Carbon Foodprint?

As Maarten Bosch, CEO of Mosa Meats (a Dutch cultured meat company) explained With regulators in Asia and North America signaling that cultivating meat is a safe alternative to slaughtering animals, policy makers worldwide will be jumping into action so as not to miss out on the huge economic and environmental opportunity presented by cellular agriculture.”

The traditional method of raising animals for slaughter is confrontational on many fronts.  According to the Good Food Institute, an NGO working to advance plant-based and cultivated meats, lab-grown meat emits 80 percent less greenhouse gas than conventional meat production and requires no antibiotics.  Supporters say that cultured meat is a huge step toward a more humane and ‘environmentally friendly meat industry.

Looking to the future

It will be many years before cultured chicken or other products are available for purchase at your local grocery store.  No pricing has yet been revealed, which means it’s still too high for most consumers.  There are 150 companies now throughout the world that are delving into the cultured meat industry, and they’ve already raised $3 billion, so it may not take as long as predicted.  Expect to find beef, pork, lamb and fish in this category in the future.

Lily Noon


  1. Upside Foods’ lab-cultivated chicken among the first to receive USDA Approval, Yahoo Finance, June 26, 2023
  2. USDA Approves Lab-Grown Chicken by Sabrina Halvorson, June 28, 2023, National Correspondent/Agnet Media, Inc.
  3. USDA Approves First Lab-Grown Chicken in the United States by Will Sullivan, June 22, 2023, Smithsonian Magazine
  4. USDA Approves ‘Lab-Grown’ Chicken – Here’s Where to Buy it by Ana Faguy, June 21, 2023, Forbes


UPSIDE FoodsGOOD Meat(フードテック会社Eat Just, Inc.の子会社)が、本物の動物細胞から培養した製品に対して販売認可を取得しました。GOOD Meatは2020年にシンガポールで発売されました。シンガポールは世界で初めて細胞培養肉の販売を認可した国ですが、今回、米国が2番目の国になりました。

この認可は、USDAがこれらの製品を「食べて安全」と認めたことを意味します。この決定に先だって、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)は今年、「質問なし」の書簡を発行していました。FDAは3月にGOOD Meatの鶏肉が安全だと判断しましたが、UPSIDE Foodsは昨年11月に同様の判断を受けていました。今週の最終認可は、これら2社に残された最後のハードルでした。そしてついに、米国で培養鶏肉を販売できるようになったというわけです。

UPSIDE Foodsは社員140人で、ビル・ゲイツ氏や食肉大手のTyson FoodsとCargillをはじめとする出資者から6億ドル以上を調達しています。



UPSIDE Foodsの最高執行責任者、エイミー・チェン氏は、次のように説明しています。「基本的に、これは皆さんが今までずっと食べてきた肉ですが、新しい方法で作られています。細胞のサンプルから始め、培養装置で栄養素やビタミンなどを与えます。1週間から3週間すると肉が生産されるため、それを収穫して、皆さんの大好きなおいしい製品に加工します」。

培養肉は高価なのでしょうか? もちろんです。当面、食料品店では販売されず、サンフランシスコとワシントンDCにある高級レストラン2店舗のみでの販売です。その理由は、UPSIDE Foodsの生産量が現時点では年間40万ポンド(約18トン)にすぎないことです。米国最大の鶏肉メーカー、Tyson Foodsの生産量は週あたり2億ポンド(約9万700トン)ですから、大きな差があります。 当然ながら、同社は事業を拡大して数百万ポンドの量産工場を持つ計画ですが、まだ数年先の話です。


オランダの培養肉会社、Mosa MeatのCEO、マルテン・ボッシュ氏は、次のように説明しています。「アジアと北米の規制当局が培養肉を屠畜に代わる安全な代替だと判断したのを受けて、世界中の政策担当者が動き始め、細胞農業がもたらす巨大な経済機会・環境機会に乗り遅れまいとするでしょう」。

家畜を飼養して屠殺する伝統的な畜産のメソッドは、多数の点で衝突を招きます。植物由来肉と培養肉の普及を目指すNGO、Good Food Instituteによると、培養肉は従来の畜産と比べて温室効果ガスの排出量が80%少なく、抗生物質を必要としません。培養肉は動物と環境にとってやさしい食肉産業に向けた大きな一歩だと、支持者は説明しています。



Lily Noon


  1. Upside Foods’ lab-cultivated chicken among the first to receive USDA Approval(UPSIDE Foods等の培養鶏肉が米国初の認可品に)、2023年6月26日、Yahoo Finance
  2. USDA Approves Lab-Grown Chicken(USDAが培養鶏肉を認可)、著:Sabrina Halvorson、2023年6月28日、Agnet Media, Inc.
  3. USDA Approves First Lab-Grown Chicken in the United States(USDA、培養鶏肉に米国初の認可)、著:Will Sullivan、2023年6月22日、Smithsonian Magazine
  4. USDA Approves ‘Lab-Grown’ Chicken – Here’s Where to Buy it(USDAが培養鶏肉を認可 ― 買える場所は)、著:Ana Faguy、2023年6月21日、Forbes

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