In Singapore, scientists recently discovered the naturally occurring bacteria and compounds found in yogurt and broccoli become a powerful antidote to colorectal cancer.
The researchers created a non-toxic variation of E. coli called E. coli Nissle, a type of bacteria that occurs naturally in the digestive system. To administer the cure, the researchers gave mice E. coli Nissle in yogurt that contained other healthy probiotics. They also fed the mice broccoli, which, like other cruciferous vegetables, contains a substance called glucosinolate.
As the mice digest the broccoli and yogurt, the broccoli’s glucosinolate becomes sulphoraphane. The sulphoraphane’s effect on bowel tumors surprised the researchers; they quickly noticed that mice that had been fed the combination of foods had fewer cancer cells.
The mixture killed 75% of tumors in mice, and over 95% of the bowel tumors grown in a laboratory.
Interestingly, the effects appear to be limited to bowel cancer. Other types of cancer did not respond to the treatment in the same way.
Until this science becomes mainstream, people who incorporate both broccoli and yogurt into their diets can experience numerous health benefits. Although the combination may sound strange, Food and Wine magazine recommends pairing roasted broccoli florets with crushed red pepper and topping with a sauce made from Greek yogurt, lemon, and garlic for a delicious pairing with roast pork or chicken, or as a main course when served with a hearty grain. Yes, yet another reason to eat your broccoli!
この研究成果が主流になるにはまだ時間がかかると思われますが、ブロッコリーとヨーグルトを日頃からよく食べている人は、多数の健康メリットを謳歌することができます。ブロッコリーとヨーグルトというのは風変わりな組み合わせに聞こえるかもしれませんが、雑誌『Food and Wine』では、ブロッコリーをローストして赤唐辛子のフレークを振り、ギリシャヨーグルト、レモン、ニンニクで作ったソースを乗せて、ローストポークやローストチキンに添えたり、穀物に添えてメインディッシュにしたりするといったレシピを紹介しています。そうです、ブロッコリーを食べるべき理由がまたひとつ増えたということです!