Frozen vegetables continue to be a popular choice for consumers seeking convenience, nutrition, and sustainability. With busy lifestyles and a growing focus on reducing food waste, the frozen vegetable industry has experienced significant growth in recent years. Here are the top trends shaping the frozen vegetable market today:

1. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Packaging: Consumers are more environmentally conscious than ever before. The demand for sustainable and eco-friendly packaging is rising, with companies opting for recyclable or biodegradable materials. Brands that emphasize their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint are gaining favor among environmentally conscious consumers.
2. Organic and Non-GMO Options: Health-conscious consumers are driving the demand for organic and non-GMO frozen vegetables. As awareness of the benefits of organic farming and non-GMO products grows, companies are expanding their offerings in this category. These options are particularly popular among families looking to provide healthier choices for their children.
The USDA recently announced an additional $9.7 million in grants under the Organic Market Development Grant (OMDG) program, bringing the total funding awarded through this program to $85 million. These grants are designed to support the development and expansion of organic markets in the United States, aiming to increase the consumption and availability of domestically produced organic agricultural products.
This latest round of funding was distributed across 13 projects, targeting various aspects of organic market development, including market promotion, equipment purchases, and processing capacity expansion. The grants are expected to benefit over 119 million producers, buyers, and consumers, reinforcing the infrastructure needed to meet the growing consumer demand for organic products.
These grants are part of the broader USDA Organic Transition Initiative, which aims to support both existing organic farmers and those transitioning to organic practices. The initiative includes a variety of programs designed to enhance market opportunities and build a more resilient and equitable food system in the U.S.
For more detailed information, please visit USDA Agricultural Marketing Service

3. Global Flavors and Ethnic Cuisine: Frozen vegetable brands are increasingly offering products that cater to the diverse tastes of global cuisines. From Asian stir-fry mixes to Mediterranean vegetable blends, consumers are looking for quick and easy ways to incorporate international flavors into their meals. Frozen edamame (young soybeans) continues to grow in popularity especially as a protein-rich snack or addition to salads and stir-fries. It appeals to consumers looking for plant-based protein sources and those interested in Asian-inspired dishes.
4. Convenience and Meal Kits: Convenience continues to be a significant driver in the frozen vegetable market. Ready-to-cook meal kits that include pre-cut vegetables and seasoning packs are gaining popularity, especially among busy professionals and families. These kits offer a quick solution for preparing balanced meals without the need for extensive prep work.
5. Plant-Based and Vegan Products: The rise of plant-based diets is influencing the frozen vegetable market. Consumers are seeking plant-based alternatives not only in meat and dairy but also in vegetable-based meals. Frozen vegetable products that cater to vegan and vegetarian diets, such as veggie burgers and cauliflower rice, are becoming mainstream options in grocery stores.
Cauliflower rice has become a staple for those following low-carb, keto, or paleo diets. It’s seen as a versatile, healthy substitute for traditional rice, and its popularity has led to a surge in frozen cauliflower rice products.

Zucchini noodles, often referred to as “zoodles,” are another trending frozen vegetable. They are popular among those looking for gluten-free or low-carb pasta alternatives. Frozen zoodles offer the convenience of having pre-spiralized vegetables ready to cook.
Similar to cauliflower rice, riced broccoli is gaining traction as a low-carb, nutrient-rich alternative to grains. It’s particularly popular among health-conscious consumers who are looking to add more greens to their diet without the added carbs.
Frozen roasted Brussels sprouts are a trendy item, particularly among those seeking a quick, flavorful side dish. These are often pre-seasoned or available in flavors like balsamic or garlic, making them a popular choice for easy meal prep.
Statistical Sales Data: The frozen vegetable market has seen robust growth, with global sales reaching approximately $30.8 billion in 2023, up from $27.6 billion in 2020. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of about 3.7% over the past three years. In the United States alone, sales of frozen vegetables grew by 4.5% in 2023, with organic frozen vegetables experiencing even higher growth at 6.2%.
The demand for frozen vegetables is expected to continue rising, driven by these trends and a consumer base increasingly focused on health, convenience, and sustainability. The market is projected to reach $38.1 billion by 2027, with a steady CAGR of 4.3%.
These trends highlight the dynamic nature of the frozen vegetable market and suggest that companies focused on innovation, sustainability, and meeting consumer demand for healthy, convenient options will continue to thrive.
Lily Noon
Source: USDA Announces Almost $10 million in Organic Market Development Grants, Resulting in $85 million Invested to Expand Markets for U.S. Organic Products, August 26, 2024, USDA, www.usda.gov
1. サステナビリティと環境に配慮したパッケージ:環境に対する消費者の意識が、かつてないほどに高まっています。サステナブルで環境に配慮したパッケージに対する需要を受けて、リサイクル可能、生物分解可能な資材を選択する企業が増えています。カーボンフットプリントの縮小を重視しているブランドが、環境意識の高い消費者の間で支持を拡大しています。
2. オーガニック·GMOフリーの選択:健康志向の消費者が、オーガニックやGMOフリーの冷凍野菜に対する需要を牽引しています。オーガニック食品やGMOフリー食品のメリットに対する認識が高まっていることから、企業もこの分野の商品を拡大中です。この種の商品は、特に体に良いものを子供に食べさせたいと考える親世代に好まれています。
3. グローバルな味覚とエスニック料理:冷凍野菜のブランドは、世界各地の料理の多様な味覚に合わせた製品を拡充しつつあります。アジア風の炒め物や地中海料理用のミックス野菜などがあり、毎日の食卓ですばやく手軽に国際的な味覚を楽しみたい人のニーズに応えます。冷凍エダマメも、特にタンパク質の豊富なおやつとして、あるいはサラダや炒め物の材料として、引き続き人気上昇中です。植物由来のタンパク質を求めている消費者、そしてアジア風の料理に興味がある消費者にアピールしています。
4. 利便性とミールキット:利便性は、冷凍野菜市場の成長にとって大きな牽引力であり続けています。カット済みの野菜と調味料の小袋が入って、あとは調理するだけのミールキットは、特に多忙な社会人や共働き家族の間で広く利用されています。時間や手間をかけずにバランスの取れた食事をするという点で、手早い解決策をもたらします。
5. 植物由来とビーガンの製品:植物由来の食生活の拡大が、冷凍野菜市場に影響を及ぼしています。肉類や乳製品だけでなく、野菜を基本とした食事に関しても、消費者が代替品を模索するようになっています。ビーガンやベジタリアン向けに開発された冷凍野菜製品、例えばベジーバーガーやカリフラワーライスなどが、スーパーでメインストリームの商品になりつつあります。