Food Safety

FDA Proposes Changes and New Guidelines to Label Foods as “Healthy”


The current definition of “healthy” that you will find on many packaged foods is up for revision and it’s about time.  The definition of “healthy” as a claim for nutrient content was established in 1994 and hasn’t been updated since.

Avocados and Salmon Dont Qualify as Healthy”?

Here’s something you may not know.  The current definition of “healthy” does not allow “for nutrient-dense foods such a whole nuts and seeds to be considered healthy.”  And even worse…it allows for some foods with excess sugars, saturated fat and added sodium to use the “healthy” claim.  “Foods like salmon, avocado and almonds don’t qualify as “healthy”, but foods that are lower in fat but contain a lot of added sugars, such as fat-free chocolate pudding, sweetened cereals and low- fat toaster pastries do.”

Avocado Don’t Qualify

There is a definite need for change if food manufacturers want to use the term “healthy” on their packaged product.  And here’s the thing.  Most people believe what they read on the label.  It may have a ‘smart’ label or claim to be made with whole grains even though there may be a lot of added sugars once you examine the label closely.  The general population is not trained in nutrition and don’t even know what most of the information about nutritional content on the label means.  So, they believe what the label says despite what the product may contain.

Proposed New Healthy” Definition Sets Limits for Added Sugar & Sodium

The proposed new definition requires products to:

  • Contain a certain amount of food from at least one of the food groups or subgroups recommended by current Dietary Guidelines (e.g., fruit, vegetable, diary).
  • Adhere to specific limits for saturated fat, sodium and added sugar.  “The limits are based on a percentage of the daily value (DV) for the nutrient and vary depending on the food and food group.”
  • The limit for sodium is 10 percent of the DV per serving (230 mg per serving).

Example:  For a cereal to be labeled “healthy” it would need to contain ¾ oz of whole grains and no more than one gram of saturated fat, no more than 230 mg of sodium and no more than 2.5g of added sugars.

Send Your Opinion to the FDA

Here at Noon International, we believe that terminology used on packaging must be accurate and reflective of the contents of the packaging and support this proposed change. The FDA wants to hear your thoughts on the proposed definition of “healthy” for food packaging.  You can submit comments up to 90 days after the announcement was made.  The updated, proposed definition was made by the FDA on September 28, 2022.  Submit electronic comments to and identify comments with the docket number FDA-2016-D-2335.

Lily Noon


  1. FDA Proposes Changes to Which Foods Are Labeled “Healthy” by Becky Upham, Sept. 30, 2022, Everyday Health
  2. FDA Proposes Updated Definition of Healthy Claim on Food Packages to Help Improve Diet, Reduce Chronic Disease, September 28, 2022,
  3. FDA Moves to Change “Healthy” Food Definition by Dani Blum, September 29, 2022,








  • 現行の「Dietary Guidelines(食生活ガイドライン)」で推奨されている食品のグループやサブグループ(例:果物、野菜、乳製品)に含まれる食品のうち少なくとも1品目を一定量含んでいること。
  • 飽和脂肪分、塩分、添加糖分の具体的な上限に従っていること。上限は、当該栄養素の1日推奨摂取量に占める割合で定められ、食品および食品群によって異なります。
  • 塩分の上限は、1食分につき1日推奨摂取量の10%(230mg)です。



Noon Internationalでは、パッケージに使われる文言が正確かつ内容物を反映しているべきだと考えているため、この提案中の変更を支持しています。FDA(米国食品医薬品局)は、この「ヘルシー」の定義について、パブリックコメントを受け付けています。提案の発表日から90日後までが受付期間で、2022年9月28日に新しい定義が提案されました。パブリックコメントはwww.regulations.govからオンラインで送信できます。記録簿番号として「FDA-2016-D-2335」を添えてコメントを特定する必要があります。


Lily Noon



    1. FDA Proposes Changes to Which Foods Are Labeled “Healthy”(FDA、食品の「ヘルシー」表示に変更を提案)、著:Becky Upham、2022年9月30日、Everyday Health
    2. FDA Proposes Updated Definition of Healthy Claim on Food Packages to Help Improve Diet, Reduce Chronic Disease(FDA、食品パッケージの「ヘルシー」の定義改訂を提案、食生活の向上と慢性病の低減に一助)、2022年9月28日、
    3. FDA Moves to Change “Healthy” Food Definition(FDA、食品の「ヘルシー」の定義を変更へ)、著:Dani Blum、2022年9月29日、

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