Food Safety

The Cause of Covid-19 Investigation Continues As China Still Blames Frozen Food and Refuses to Reveal Critical Data to W.H.O.


If China has nothing to hide, why do Chinese scientists continue to refuse to share data that could shed light on the origin of the coronavirus?

Peter Ben Embarek and other members of the WHO team visit a local community in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei province on February 4, 2021

Recently, a group of independent investigators visited Wuhan, China on behalf of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) in an effort to learn more about the early days of the outbreak in hopes of determining from the data the cause (or causes) of the virus.  These 14 experts from various countries throughout the world were continually frustrated by the lack of response on the part of Chinese officials: “If you are data focused, and if you are a professional,” said Thea Kolsen Fischer, a Danish epidemiologist on the team, then obtaining data islike for a clinical doctor looking at the patient and seeing them with your own eyes.”

It is known certainly that the virus is spread by person-to-person transmission (respiratory droplets), yet the Chinese continue to endorse the idea that the virus might come from frozen food products (including imported products) and on frozen food packaging.  The W.H.O. team did ultimately agree to explore this in more detail but said “the focus for now would be on wildlife products sold in China – not imported food.” However, to please the Chinese they agreed “to include the frozen food theory among its hypotheses.”

Thankfully, AFFI stepped in once again and sent a letter supported and signed by a broad coalition of food manufacturers and industry leaders to FDA, HHS (who leads W.H.O. participation), USDA and USTR.  As a result, the FDA and USDA issued a joint statement indicating there is no credible evidence of food or food packaging associated with or as a likely source of viral transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS – CoV-2), the virus causing COVID-19.”  AFFI also communicated this information and shared its concerns with the members of the W.H.O. team who visited Wuhan.

This is a continuing effort on the part of China to divert attention from the real cause(s) of the virus and shift blame elsewhere. There is absolutely no scientific evidence that imported frozen food into China or frozen food packaging has played a part in spreading COVID-19.  All that has resulted from this tactic is to cause people to fear the safety and reliability of frozen food products despite the fact that there are no known cases of foodborne COVID-19. The simple facts are that it is a respiratory, not a foodborne ailment – no matter what the Chinese would like people to think.

Here are the links shared by AFFI that substantiate this point:

“The overwhelming scientific consensus is that SARS-CoV-2, unlike norovirus and hepatitis A, is not transmitted by the consumption of potentially contaminated foods. The virus is unlikely to be in food, but even if it were, SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted by respiratory, not gastrointestinal routes,” said Dr. Lee-Ann Jaykus, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor in the Department of Food, Bioprocessing, and Nutrition at NC State, and former NoroCORETM Scientific Director. “While we do freeze viruses to store them, there is no science that points to the link between surface contamination of food and the contraction of COVID-19.” More information is available here.

Frozen food companies in the U.S.A. and throughout the world continue to make food safety a top priority and have increased preventative measures with regard to sanitation and hygiene even beyond legal regulatory requirements to prevent the transmission of disease and foodborne illness.  It is a shame that China has decided to cast dispersion on our industry in an effort to shift attention from themselves regarding the origin of COVID-19.  The fact that they still refuse to provide the data requested by members of the W.H.O team substantiates this point.

Lily Noon


  1. Joint Statement from USDA and FDA on Food Export Restrictions Pertaining to COVID-19, USDA,
  2. Food Safety and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), CDC,
  3. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Food safety and nutrition, W.H.O.,
  4. International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Food, ICMSF,
  5. Scientific Review Shows Coronavirus Not Transmitted by Food, AFFI,


Peter Ben Embarek氏ほかWHO調査団のメンバーが 2021年2月4日、中国中部の湖北省・武漢市の現地コミュニティを視察

WHO(世界保健機関)を代表する独立調査官の一団が、最近、中国・武漢を訪れました。感染症発生当初の状況について詳しく調べ、新型コロナウイルスの発生理由をデータから見極めようとする努力です。各国から招聘された14人の専門家は、中国政府からの反応のなさに対して幾度となく不満を表明しました。データを入手しようとするのは「データを重視する専門家であれば」当然であって、「患者についての臨床データを入手して自分の目で確かめようする医師のようなものだ」と、デンマークからこの調査団に参加した疫病学者のThea Kolsen Fischer氏は語りました。





「ノロウイルスやA型肝炎とは異なり、SARS-CoV-2が潜在的な汚染食品の消費を介して伝播することはないというのが、圧倒的大多数の科学的コンセンサスである。このウイルスは、食品に存在する可能性は低く、存在したとしても、呼吸器経路を介して伝播するのであって、消化器経路ではない」と、ノースカロライナ州立大学食品・バイオ処理・栄養学部でウィリアム・ニール・レイノルズ記念教授の称号を有し、かつてNoroCORETMの科学責任者を務めたこともあるLee-Ann Jaykus博士は語っています。「研究現場ではウイルスが冷凍保存されているが、食品の表面汚染と新型コロナウイルスの感染を結び付けた科学は存在しない」。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。


Lily Noon


  1. Joint Statement from USDA and FDA on Food Export Restrictions Pertaining to COVID-19(新型コロナウイルス感染症に伴う食品輸出制限に関するUSDAFDAの共同声明)、
  2. Food Safety and Coronavirus Disease 2019(食品安全性と新型コロナウイルス感染症)、
  3. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Food safety and nutrition(新型コロナウイルス感染症:食品安全性と栄養)、
  4. International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Food(国際食品微生物規格委員会)、
  5. Scientific Review Shows Coronavirus Not Transmitted by Food(コロナウイルスが食品を介して伝播しないことを研究文献レビューが証明)、

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