Food Safety

Getting Smarter About Food Safety


The FDA is initiating a new approach to smarter FOOD SAFETY that will use technology and other methods in order to create a more digitized traceable food system. Simplicity and modernization are also keys in the development of this “smarter food safety” along with effective leadership and additional education in the area of food safety culture. The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated the need for change and for better working relationships between government organizations, industry and public health officials and the FDA is taking action.

Imagine being sure your food is safe?

Consider the following “what if” scenarios:

  1. What if you could scan produce in a grocery store and know immediately where it came from and if you are in jeopardy from consuming it?  Is it part or a recall or foodborne illness? 
  2. What if you could comfortably eat in a restaurant and not worry because you know that the workers have used safe-food handling practices – not because they are told to but because a solid food safety-culture is automatic and second nature to them?
  3. What if you could receive a text message that alerts you to a recent purchase you made that is now being recalled?  How helpful would that be?
  4. What if you knew that the water used to grow the tomatoes you are buying was safe because it was monitored at the farm level in real-time using a sensor monitor on a smart device?

These are all achievable and part of the new approach to food safety.  This blueprint outlines the approach FDA will take over the next decade to usher in the New Era of Smarter Food Safety.

There are four core elements involved:

  1. Core Element 1 – Tech-enabled traceability
  2. Core Element 2 – Smarter tools and approached for prevention and outbreak response
  3. Core Element 3 – New business models and retail modernization
  4. Core Element 4 – Food Safety Culture

These are the building blocks that when used together will help create a safer environment in the areas of food harvesting, production, distribution and traceability. The FDA believes these are all achievable goals, but they cannot do it alone.  This will be successful as long as food companies, government agencies, technology firms and consumers come together to utilize available technological advances and approaches to keeping our food safe.

As a start, on Sept 21, 2020, the FDA proposed establishing additional traceability recordkeeping (in addition to what is already required in existing regulations) for companies that manufacture, process, pack or hold foods that the FDA has designated for foods on the Food Traceability List.  This is a key part of the New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint and if approved will implement section 204(d) of the FSMA – the Food Safety Modernization Act. 

It will help the FDA identify recipient of adulterated food and help to prevent foodborne illness outbreaks.  The proposed rule will be available for public comment for 120 days following publication in the Federal Register.

Working together and thinking outside the box, well create a more digital, traceable and safer food system that advances food safety, improves the quality of life for consumers in this country and all over the world, and better prepares us for unexpected events that could impact the food supply.”

Lily Noon


  1. FSMA Proposed Rule for Food Traceability,
  2. New Era of Smarter Food safety: FDA’s Blueprint for the Future,
  3. FDA Launches New Era of Smarter Food Safety Initiative, Releases Blueprint and Pilot Study,
  4. FDA’s New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint.
  5. Blueprints to the Future of Food,




  • スーパーで野菜や果物をスキャンすると、どこから来たか、食べても安全かどうか、 製品回収の対象になっていたり、食中毒に関係していたりしないかどうかが、すぐに分かる。
  • レストランに食品安全性の文化が確実に浸透していて、食品安全性にとって好ましい行動を誰かに言われたから実践しているわけではなく、レストランの従業員がごく自然に励行していることが分かっているため、安心して食事できる。
  • 最近購入した食品が製品回収の対象になった場合は、テキストメッセージ(SMS)でアラートが届く。(助かると思いませんか?)
  • 農家がセンサーやスマートデバイスを使用して農業用水をリアルタイムでモニターしているため、自分の購入するトマトの栽培に安全な水が使われていると確信できる。



  • コア要素1 ― テクノロジーを駆使したトレーサビリティ
  • コア要素2 ― 食中毒の予防と発生時の対応のためのスマートなツールとアプローチ
  • コア要素3 ― 新しい事業モデルと小売りの近代化
  • コア要素4 ― 食品安全性の文化



不純物の添加された食品を受け取った人をFDAが特定し、また食中毒の発生を防止するのに役立つでしょう。今回提案された規則は、Federal Register(連邦官報)で発行され、その後120日間にわたってパブリックコメントを受け付けます。


Lily Noon


  1. FSMA Proposed Rule for Food Traceability(食品トレーサビリティのためのFSMAの提案規則)、
  2. New Era of Smarter Food safety: FDA’s Blueprint for the Future(スマートな食品安全性の新時代:未来に向けたFDAのブループリント)、
  3. FDA Launches New Era of Smarter Food Safety Initiative, Releases Blueprint and Pilot Study, FDAがスマートな食品安全性の新時代イニシアチブを開始、ブループリントとパイロット調査を発表)、
  4. FDAs New Era of Smarter Food Safety BlueprintFDAのスマートな食品安全性の新時代ブループリント)、
  5. Blueprints to the Future of Food(食品の未来に向けたブループリント)、

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