Crop News

Potato Market Still Uncertain


United States

Northwest sweet corn has commenced, and so has the true heat of summer!  Processors are between 35% and 45% complete with their pack.  Favorable weather continues continue in the Pacific Northwest for this crop.  Packers are keeping true to their budgets and quality.

Carrot will commence in late September.

 The sometimes-forgettable Lima Bean has begun harvest.  What would succotash be without a Lima???  The heat this time of year is preferred for this little bean.  Quality has been normal as have yields.

North American Potato Market News has reported, that raw potato contracts were reduced by 15% – 20% for 2020.  North American processors expected to use 2019 storage potatoes through the month of September, however as of this week those potatoes are gone.   There seems to be an uptick in potato sales, however with the recent reoccurrences of covid infections in the U.S. and other regions, processors are having a difficult time to detail their business plans, prices, and whether there will be enough potatoes to last until 2021 season arrives.

Processors are reporting that potato yields are good and finished product has excellent fry color and high solids.  

Washington State’s red raspberry season has started.  It has been a slow start due to weather.  Packers are expecting the season to be a longer season drawn out due to the weather. 

Frozen Blueberry harvest commenced this month in the Pacific Northwest.  Their season will be throughout the month ending sometime in early September.  The Blueberry crop experienced the same weather patterns as the raspberries, thus prolonging then season. 

Sweet Corn is anticipating a budget crop in the Midwest, although there have been scattered storms, rain, and wind in some areas which may affect the yields slightly.   Harvesting will continue through the month of September. 

Carrots:  Continue to be progressing as normal in the Midwest as well as the Pacific Northwest. 


Rainy season ongoing in Mexico, however factories are still producing broccoli and cauliflower and there seems to be enough inventory at present to make it out of the rainy season.   New crop and peak production time will commence in October/November.


Broccoli Peak broccoli harvest is ongoing and to date conditions have been good with enough rain to help the crops along.   


The season continues to be a bit of a struggle out of Europe.  All due to weather issues as well as strong demands in the retail markets.

Hungarian sweet corn continues to be a topic of concern.  The price is reported to be up by 18% compared to last year.  This is all due weather-related issues in the field.  Weather has been unfavorable for both first and second planting cycles, resulting in lower yields and quality.  Approximately 40% of the total sweet corn production in Hungary is frozen, the remaining product is canned.

Sour Cherry pricing continues to rise with Polish tart cherries.  Adverse weather and pest hammered the crop.  Quality has suffered leaving little fruit for the frozen market.  Juice stock sales remain strong as do canned tart cherries.  Pricing is not as strong as 2019; however, the tart cherries have been affected throughout Europe; leaving very little on the open market for those who have not contracted.  IHS Markit reports. 

The Belgium potato sectors have been granted COID-19 emergency relief aid according to IHS markit reports.  On July 27th EU authorities gave the green light to the Flemish Minister for Agriculture to secure EUR25 million for the horticultural sector and remainder for potatoes.  Between shops and restaurant closures the Flemish florists and horticulturists estimated losses of EUR135 mlnimum.  Along with restaurants and fast-food shut downs 750,000 tones of potatoes remain unsold. 



Canned Sweet Corn peak harvest period begun again in July, lasting through the month of August.  Raw Material has been improving throughout the season due to weather (much needed and anticipated rain).   Worldwide demand is hindered due to COVID-19.  The Thai sweet corn exports in June were very similar to a year ago, price has increased, and sales markets remain the same (Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Philippines).  IHS Markit report.


Sweet Corn earlier in the month was affected by strong weather patterns.  Wind and Rain were reported in the growing regions.  Raw Product has been forecasted to be lower than predicted. 


北西部のスイートコーンは、収穫が始まりました。それと同時に、盛夏の暑さも始まっています! 加工業者は、35%から45%ほど生産を終えました。太平洋岸北西部では、引き続きスイートコーンにとって好ましい天候が続いています。加工業者は予算どおりで、品質も水準に達しています。


 時に忘れられがちなライマメは、収穫が始まっています。ライマメを使わないサコタッシュなど、考えられません! この小さな豆には、この時期の暑さが大切です。品質も収穫量も、通常どおりです。

 North American Potato Market Newsによると、生ジャガイモの契約量が今年は15~20%減となっています。北米の加工業者は、2019年の貯蔵ジャガイモを9月いっぱい使用すると見られていますが、今週の時点ですでに底を尽きています。ジャガイモの販売量は伸びていると見られますが、米国や他の地域で最近また新型コロナウイルスの感染数が増加していることから、加工業者は、事業計画や価格を詳細に見極められずにいます。2021年の収穫が入荷し始めるまでの間をつなぐのに十分なジャガイモがあるのかどうかも不透明です。













サワーチェリーは価格が上がり続けていて、ポーランドのタルトチェリーと足並みを揃えています。悪天候と害虫で被害が出ました。品質が悪化して、冷凍向けの作物がほとんど残りませんでした。ジュース用と缶詰用タルトチェリーの販売は、引き続き好調です。価格は2019年ほど高くありませんが、タルトチェリーはヨーロッパ全域で被害が出ているため、契約以外の分をオープン市場で買い付けようとする人には商品がほどんど残っていないと、IHS Markitは伝えています。

IHS Markitによると、ベルギーのジャガイモ業界に対して、新型コロナウイルス感染症の緊急援助が認められました。7月27日、EU当局が、フランデレン地域で最も影響を受けた2つの産業である園芸業界とジャガイモ業界に対し、計3,500万ユーロの緊急援助を承認しました。2,500万ユーロが園芸業界、1,000万ユーロがジャガイモ業界に割り当てられます。小売店やレストランの閉鎖を受けて、フランデレン地域の生花・園芸業界は、少なくとも1億3,500万ユーロの損失を出すと見積もられています。ジャガイモは、レストランとファストフード店の閉鎖を受けて、75万トンが売れ残っています。



缶詰用スイートコーンは、7月に再び収穫の最盛期が始まり、8月いっぱい続きました。天候に恵まれたため(待望の雨が予報どおりに降りました)、シーズンを通して原材料の状況は改善しました。新型コロナウイルス感染症のため、需要は全世界で落ち込んでいます。タイの6月のスイートコーン輸出は、昨年と似た状況で、価格は上がり、輸出先の市場は同じだった(日本、韓国、台湾、フィリピン)と、IHS Markitは伝えています。




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