Crop News

Reduced Mango Season in Mexico


United States

Northwest green peas are in peak harvest.   Conditions have been good; however, weather has heated up in the last week which may affect grades coming out of the fields.  Depending on who you speak with, some processors have been unable to keep up with harvest as peas are coming in quickly due to recent warmer weather in the Northwest.  The season should be winding down in the next few weeks and we expect to see a higher than normal volume of AAC grade green peas.

Northwest sweet corn plantings began in April and plantings are almost completed.   We should see the first sweet corn coming out of the ground mid to end July.  The recent warmer weather should be favorable for a budget crop.

Carrot and Lima Bean plantings are underway.

Due to the Covid-19 virus and the abrupt challenges it has created in the market – foodservice sales are down, while retail sales are up – (this is the same situation for all frozen vegetables and fruits, however it seems that potatoes have been hit the hardest, although based on more recent news in the last few weeks the situation may be rebounding.

It is estimated that North American potato contract volumes for raw material are down by about 15% – 25% compared to last year. Many contracts were quickly cancelled as the effects of the virus became known.  As well, we heard that one large producer has returned a large volume of 2019 storage potatoes back to grower.   Processors will be running on past years storage potatoes longer than they ever have in the past.

In most recent weeks, with the opening of restaurants the situation has been getting slightly better and some processors have gone back to growers to retrieve some of the potatoes they released.   To their surprise the majority of the raw potatoes which were given back have been used – some went to Midwest processors who were short before the pandemic began and some to food banks or potatoes were simply dumped back onto fields for compost.

Washington State’s red raspberry crop was reduced by about 12% compared to last year due to rain during the harvest season which sent more product to juice.   I.Q.F Raspberry prices are on the rise and most processors are sold out.

The meeker raspberry season in Northern WA is expected to be underway this week.   Due to earlier rains there is some concern of rot.

Strawberry season in Northern WA is also underway with good size fruit and nice quality.

Eastern Washington blueberry harvest is underway with reported good fruit size.

Frozen Blueberry is currently in demand in the retail market, for both conventional and organic as sales continue to climb due to the Covid -19 pandemic.  Sales of frozen blueberry increased by 79% in week ending March 14th and 116% in week ending March 21 based on information obtained from IHS Markit news.  Consumers look to blueberries due to their health benefits of high antioxidants levels and low calories and frozen can be held for long periods of time; fresh cannot.  While much of the foodservice category was lost and freezers were full, much of the inventory was quickly moved into the retail market. This may firm up the blueberry market sooner than later.

Washington State cherry growers are contending with “little cherry disease”.   The disease produces a small, pale, low sugar fruit which cannot be used.   Once a cherry tree has this disease it must be cut down.   In regard to fresh cherries, estimates are that 2.5 – 3 million boxes of fruit will be lost.

The USDA estimates of tart cherry harvest has been announced at 127.5 million pounds.   This is the smallest harvest in the last 10 years.   Price quotations will be available at the end of July to give growers/processors time to assess the crop condition and volume.    The state of Michigan leads the United States in volume produced.

Midwest region currently has good soil moisture.   Green pea harvest is now underway, and conditions are reported as average.

Sweet Corn plantings are close to being completed.   With the recent higher heat in corn growing areas the crop is emerging, tasseling and generally coming along nicely.   The harvest of sweet corn is expected to begin towards the end of July depending on future weather conditions.


Broccoli and Cauliflower growing regions are now in their rainy season.  Factories in Mexico are running as much product as possible due to the huge demand caused by the corona virus.   Repack rooms are running at capacity in order to fill demand.

Reported by IHS Markit news, Mango season in Mexico is expected to produce a lower volume of fruit this season due to the natural fluctuation of larger and smaller crops.   Mexico is expecting a 20% reduction in mango harvest.  The lower crop, higher raw material prices and a very strong demand will raise prices.   As with other fruits the Covid 19 pandemic has increased mango sales in the U.S.A.   After strawberries, frozen mango is the second largest imported fruit into the U.S.A.


Broccoli season in Guatemala is now underway.


Pineapple raw material for can market is very tight and processors there are not accepting any new buyers

Europe:   It may be another tough year for European vegetables.   A very hot and dry spring may affect many of the crops there.   Some say the more recent rains have helped but some say it is too little too late.

Green pea season began in Belgium a few weeks ago and the outlook there as well as in Northern France does not look promising due to drought and the lack of irrigation.   The current yields on green peas are low (some say as much as a 30% – 50% drop in yields).  We expect Europe to be very tight on green peas this season.

It is a little too early to know how the Hungary corn season will go but there is talk that Hungary will struggle with their sweet corn season and product will be short.

Strawberry and Raspberry crops in Europe (Serbia) have not been good.   A warm spring and drought and recent rains have taken a toll on both of these crops. Product is expected to be short and prices will increase.    Cold storages are empty of product and the season is uncertain.


Prolonged drought has reduced the raw material yields for sweet corn.  Prices remain high.   Thailand’s worst drought in 4 decades will affect all crops, including rice and sugar.   It will cost the economy US$1.9 billion, equivalent of 0.34% of Thailand’s gross domestic products.


Tasmania, the island state of Australia, which produces the majority of the French fry’s for Australia, are experiencing large losses in crops this season.   Due to many months of wet weather it is making is difficult to get into the fields to harvest the crop and many farmers are leaving crops in the ground to rot.   It is estimate that 60,000 tones of potatoes will be lost but the estimate could be much higher.

With this shortfall many are concerned that Europe will begin to dump potatoes on the Australian market.


Farmers in Japan have been struggling to harvest due to limited number of seasonal workers.   Many of the seasonal workers are from aboard and are students from local universities.   With schools closed and travel restricted the impact has been felt.  Vegetable peak harvest is July through September/October.   Without these workers some crops may not be harvested or planted.   Some of the fresh onion and spinach crop has been destroyed due to closed restaurants.

The foodservice sector along with school lunch, bento box, vending machine, and restaurants have been the hardest hit.   As everywhere, Japan’s retail business is booming as more people are staying and eating at home.


Edamame season now underway in China.












冷凍ブルーベリーは、パンデミックの影響を受けて、現在、小売市場の需要があり、オーガニックと非オーガニックの両方の販売が伸び続けています。IHS Markitのニュースから得た情報によると、冷凍ブルーベリーの販売高は、3月14日締めの週に79%増、3月21日締めの週に116%増になりました。ブルーベリーは、抗酸化物質が豊富で低カロリーといった健康メリットがあるうえ、冷凍であれば生鮮よりも賞味期限が長いことから、消費者に人気です。外食産業の需要がほぼ完全に失われ、冷凍倉庫は在庫でいっぱいでしたが、そのほとんどがすぐに小売市場に回されました。この結果、ブルーベリーの市場は、まもなく堅くなる可能性があります。







IHS Markitによると、メキシコのマンゴーは、今シーズンは収穫量が少なめになる見込みです。収穫が多い年と少ない年を繰り返す自然な変動によるものです。メキシコのマンゴーは、20%減になると見られます。この収穫減で原材料価格が上がるうえで、需要がきわめて好調なため、値上がりするでしょう。他の果物と同様にマンゴーも、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響により米国での販売量が増えています。冷凍マンゴーは、イチゴに次いで2番目に米国への輸出が多い果物です。




















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