Crop News

Strawberry Season in California Begins


United States

Northwest Green Pea harvest should start end May /first week of June.   To date conditions have been favorable for a good season.  Most processors planted close to the same amount of acreage as last year give or take about 10%.  Green Peas are relatively tight currently so the start of the new season is highly anticipated.

Northwest corn plantings began in April with an expected harvest date of end July depending on heat units moving through June and July.  To date about 40% of crop is planted.  Demand due to covid 19 has drasticatlly increased and therefore excess of corn as well as green peas has become difficult to secure.

Carrot planting has commenced and plantings for lima beans are just getting underway.

Potato plantings have started here in Washington and Oregon.  We have heard grower prices are up by approximately 3.5%.  Due to the covid 19 virus and the abrupt challenges it has created in the market – foodservice sales are down, while retail sales are up – (this is the same situation for all frozen vegetables and fruits).  Industry insiders believe that US fryers have approximately 9 milion cwt more raw product in storage than they can use due to the downturn in foodservice business.  While retail sales have picked up it has not outweighed the loss in foodservice sales.  Some reports are advising that current 2019 storage potatoes will be used for the first month of 2020 production.  It has also been reported that frozen French fry producers are expecting overall sales to be down by 12% to 15% .

Washington State’s red raspberry crop was reduced by about 12% compared to last year due to rain during the harvest season which sent more product to juice.   I.Q.F Raspberry prices are on the rise and most processors are sold out.   This along with the tentative situation in Chile will make for a tight I.Q.F raspberry market.

Blueberry bushes currently in bloom stage and the Northwest is expecting a good season this year.  Currently cold storage holdings are at a 33 year high.   This along with a good season will lower the market price.

Fruit trees in Central Washington are about 7 days ahead of bud development due to our warmer springtime temperatures this season.

California strawberry season is now underway and the season is coming along well, although there may be labor shortages which could reduce the crop. Reports indicate that cold storage holdings at the end of 2019 was the lowest on record.


Broccoli and Cauliflower growing regions will be coming into their rainy season and quarantine soon.  To date factories are still running at normal levels.  Yields and quality are good.

Strawberry season in Mexico is winding down.

Guatemala:  Broccoli season in Guatemala is now completed.  All in all, it was a difficult year for Guatemala’s broccoli harvest due to weather issues and a reduced crop. Guatemala is now producing sugar snap peas, snow peas, Brussel sprouts, and mango.


Raspberry season was disappointing this year due to weather conditions including a drought.  Prices on Chilean raspberries have risen, and shortages are expected by about 30%.  Blueberry season is completed, and sweet corn harvest has commenced.  Due to drought and warm weather some are expecting yield reductions on sweet corn this season.


It has become more difficult to move product within Europe due to the Covid 19 virus.  Some of the major producing countries are now reporting cases of Covid 19 which will result in stricter movement regulations.   Europe is struggling in the same way as U.S.  Foodservice sales of French frys have been reduced drastically due to Covid 19.  We have heard reports of potato producing countries having surplus of potatos so we would suspect that processors will be limiting their production for the 2020 season.


Prolonged drought has reduced the raw material yields for sweet corn.  Prices remain high.   Thailand’s worst drought in 4 decades will affect all crops, including rice and sugar.   It will cost the economy US$1.9 billion, equivalent of 0.34% of Thailand’s gross domestic products.


China is currently producing sugar snap peas, pea pods and edamame.   Prices are very competitive recently due to lack of demand.





ジャガイモは、ここワシントン州とオレゴン州では植え付けが始まりました。生産者価格は3.5%前後上がっているとのことです。新型コロナ関連の突然の変化を受けて、市場にも困難が生じています。外食産業向けの販売高が落ち込む一方で、小売店向けの販売高は上がっています(すべての冷凍野菜・果物に共通しています)。業界の内部筋によると、外食産業の不振の結果、米国のフライドポテト加工業者には約40万8,000トン以上の在庫が貯蔵されているとのことです。小売市場の販売は拡大していますが、外食市場の穴を埋めるほどにはなっていません。一部の情報では、現在ある2019年分の在庫ジャガイモが2020 年最初の月の生産に使われるとされています。また、冷凍フライドポテトの生産者は12~15%の売上減を予想していると伝えられています。


















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