Crop News

Maine’s Wild Blueberry Season Disappointing


United States

Northwest sweet corn is full steam ahead. The season is expected to be a tight one both on conventional corn and organic corn. The smoke cover in the Pacific Northwest from fires cooled the air and delayed the growth of much of the harvest. Processors are scrambling to finish up the season before a frost sets in, however the 10 day forward forcaste calls for warm weather and sun. In order to process all fields, the season is expected to extend through middle October.

A recent wind storm knocked down various corn fields and was more apparent in the Pasco/TriCity area where some were hit harder than others. We have heard at least 1500 acres were lost. A few processors have advised that yields are slightly off this season but nothing very dramatic. With corn shortages in the Midwest region and Europe, coming into season with lower than usual inventories, plus some loss of yields here in the Pacific Northwest, expect for a tight sweet corn market with prices firm going forward. As of today most Northwest suppliers are off the market, for the time being, on both conventional and organic corn. 

Carrot harvest has commenced in the Pacific Northwest.

North American Potato Market News has reported, that raw potato contracts were reduced by 15% – 20% for 2020. North American processors expected to use 2019 storage potatoes through the month of September/October however stocks were depleted sooner than anticipated (by end August/first of September). Most processors were planning to purchase open market potatoes if and when sales began to improve, however most growers opted not to plant potatoes on their ground once contracts were released due to the covid pandemic. Now that sales are slightly improving for most processors there is a question whether or not processors will now be able to secure enough potatoes on the open market to meet the improved demand.

Potato yields are good and finished product has excellent fry color and high solids.

Midwest region is expected to be under budget for sweet corn due to various unfavorable weather conditions. Cooler weather and rain have delayed the season which is expected to run though middle October if possible.

Midwest Green Bean season is winding down. The cooler temperatures and wet weather slowed down progress and there may be some shortages of beans coming out of this area.

Maine’s Wild Blueberry season has been a disaster this year. Struggling with an unusual frost in June, then drought conditions during summer and labor disruptions due to the Covid pandemic, the season estimate is between 50 to 60 million pounds. A normal year will produce an 84-million-pound crop. Demand is high and so will be the prices.

U.S. cranberry season has begun and will continue through November.   Estimates are for increased yields this season.  

The U.S. government announced on September 17, 2020 it will provide an expansion to the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program with an additional US$14 billion for the agricultural industry to help with disruptions due to the Covid 19 pandemic. To see if you qualify you can go to


Potato growing conditions vary in Canada. Eastern Canada struggled through a very hot and dry season while Western Canada fared much better and is reporting good yields and quality. Overall Canadian potato production is expected to be down.  The Canadian potato industry is experiencing all of the same challenges as their American neighbors due to the Covid pandemic.


Rainy season has taken its toll on broccoli and cauliflower crops with lower yields and some lower quality product. The good news is that weather conditions are now improving and new season fields which will be coming to harvest in late October look very good and have not been hindered by the past rainy weather. The forward forecast in Mexican agricultural regions is for warm weather and sunny skies.


Peak broccoli harvest is ongoing and to date conditions have been good with enough rain to help the crops along.   


The season has been a struggle in Europe. All due to weather issues as well as strong demands in the retail markets due to Covid.

Hungarian sweet corn continues to be a topic of concern. The price is reported to be up by 18% compared to last year. This is all due weather-related issues in the field. Weather has been unfavorable for both first and second planting cycles, however there have been reports that second cycle harvest has seen an improvement recently resulting in better corn yields.

Reported by the North Western European Potato Growers Association the season in the 5 largest potato producing countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Great Britain) should increase by about 1.4% to 27.9 million tons although the yields vary from country to country.  Belgium continues to struggle due to lack of rain and all of Europe is experiencing the same challenges due to the Covid pandemic as U.S. processors.

Wild Blueberry production out of Europe is expected to be short his season due to lack of labor, again based on Covid 19 restrictions.



Sweet Corn was affected by strong weather patterns.  Wind and Rain were reported in the growing regions.  Raw Product has been forcasted to be lower than predicted. 

Pear production across China is expected to be approximately 15% lower this season due to poor weather in the Northern part of the country, however in the Korla region, the Korla pears, known for their fragrance is expected to have a very good season with an increase in yields of almost 20%.





North American Potato Market Newsによると、生ジャガイモの契約量が今年は15~20%減となっています。北米の加工業者は、9、10月は2019年からの貯蔵ジャガイモを使用すると見られていましたが、思ったよりも早く(8月末か9月第1週までに)在庫が尽きてしまいました。大半の加工業者は、ジャガイモの販売が開始され改善した時点でオープン市場での買い付けを予定していましたが、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で契約が解約されたのを受けて、ほぼすべての生産者がジャガイモの植え付けを見合わせました。今ではほとんどの加工業者で販売がわずかに改善しているため、この改善した需要を満たすだけの十分なジャガイモをオープン市場で買い付けられるかどうかが、目下の問題になっています。






















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